
Detox Your Home: 3 Ways to Remove Indoor Air Pollution
Spring is traditionally a time of renewal. The air gets warmer, plants form new buds, animals return from their wintertime retreats, and many embrace the urge to thoroughly clean their homes.Typically, spring cleaning includes a focus on the things you see daily—the cluttered drawers, dusty curtains, and smudged mirror. However, the most important area to be cleaned is perhaps the...
Heal Naturally with Ayurveda
Ayurveda teaches that good health depends upon our body’s ability to metabolize all aspects of life, assimilating that which nurtures us, and eliminating the rest. When we can’t completely digest our food, experiences, and emotions, toxic residue gets stored in our bodily tissue, creating imbalance and – ultimately – disease. Thousands of years ago, the ancient ayurvedic physicians developed panchakarma,...
Practical Tips for Easing Back Into Eating After a Cleanse
It is not only what we do during cleansing that results in a healthier, happier state of the body, but what we do after cleansing that determines the longevity or transience of any changes we undergo. Properly coming off a cleanse is a vital stage for achieving cleansing success. In all stages of a cleanse, patience is key to honoring...
Ask Dr. Sheila: How Can Ayurveda Help When Nothing Else Has Worked?
For the Ask Dr. Sheila column, Dr. Sheila Patel, Chopra’s Chief Medical Officer, answers questions from our community. In this article, Dr. Sheila answers a question about how Ayurveda can offer support for health issues when the individual has tried a variety of modalities without success.
Why Deep Detoxification Is for Everyone
More people are aware than ever before of how many meanings the word “toxic” has. The subject of detoxification was completely ignored when I was in medical school, but the most recent research connects blood toxins and chronic inflammation, suddenly opening up new avenues for preventing lifestyle disorders like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and perhaps even many cancers...
9 Practices for Seasonal Detoxification
During transitions between any season, it is an ideal time to sit back and reflect on what may be out of balance in our lives, then take steps to restore our equilibrium.Ayurveda recommends a seasonal cleansing, purification, and renewal process in which we eliminate whatever physical and emotional toxicities we have accumulated during the prior months, allowing our mind-body to...
Ask Dr. Suhas: What Is the Protocol for a Castor Oil Cleanse? How Much and How Often Should I Use...
This month, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar answers follow-up questions to how castor oil is a great purgatory in Ayurveda. The oil-based purgative supports the pathways for liver detoxification. It has a very lubricative effect on the colon and doesn’t dry you out like most common laxatives.
An Introduction to Panchakarma: The Ayurvedic Art and Science of Detoxification and Rejuvenation
Most people think of a detox as a superficial process. You change your diet, take supplements, or abstain from harmful substances, and the body does the rest. I am an advocate of all of these things. Unfortunately, many of my patients have health concerns that go beyond a poor diet. They need a multifaceted approach to rid their bodies of...
3-Day Weekend Ayurvedic Detox Plan You Can Do at Home
Learn our home remedy for detoxing the body that can facilitate your body’s release of toxins. Reverse some of the effects of chronic stress and detox at home in 3 days.
How to Cleanse, the Ayurvedic Way
Avoid the unhealthy fads of juice cleanses and the next newest thing and discover the healthy balance of the centuries old ayurvedic cleanse, panchakarma.
Everything You Need to Know About Panchakarma Treatments
Ayurveda is an elegant system of healing, first described around 5,000 years ago in ancient Vedic texts as comprehensive teachings on preserving and maintaining health. The fact that this ancient medicine is still in use today is a testament to the wisdom it holds when it comes to understanding the human potential to achieve a happy and wholesome life.Primordial in...
5 Ayurvedic Detox Tips for Spring
Spring and fall are important times of the year to detoxify, according to Ayurveda. A spring detox is especially important as an antidote to the slower season of winter.To maintain health and balance in the long run, however, Ayurveda also recommends a daily detox protocol. If you don’t yet have one, spring is the best time to put one in...
Love Your Body
If we have been blessed with general good health, we may tend to take our body for granted, not paying attention to what a miracle it is that we can see the colors of the landscape, hold the hand of a loved one, savor a delicious meal, listen to our favorite music, and breathe in the scent of freshly mowed...
A Post-Holiday Reset
Hopefully you enjoyed the holidays with friends and family, celebrated the season, and ate some of your favorite foods.During this time of year, we all loosen up on some of our routine in order to connect to others and balance our regular yearly routine with some fun. That being said, now that the holidays are over you may notice some...
How to Detox Your Mind of Negative Energy
These are uncertain times as the world navigates through what most would consider unthinkable in their lifetimes. The COVID-19 virus has upended life. With the amount of information flooding in from different sources, it’s hard not to become overwhelmed. You are not alone if you feel that way—fear, anxiety, and worry have become constant companions throughout this ordeal.Your feelings are...
A Guide to Resilience on World Health Day
Staying healthy is at the top of everyone’s mind in times like these, and on April 7, the globe recognizes World Health Day. As the world works to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there are a few easy ways you can keep track of your health and wellness on World Health Day and every day after.Emotional Health1. It’s OK to...
A Soak and Massage Ritual to Calm the Mind, Body, and Spirit
As a natural beauty and wellness expert working mostly with clients in New York City, I knew before the coronavirus (COVID-19) hit that my clients were already living with a high level of stress. Now, in the midst of this new experience, with confusion and uncertainty all around us, we are collectively experiencing a new and unprecedented level of stress.While...
Decongest Your Lymphatic System for Vibrant Health
Learn more about the importance of lymphatic health and the symptoms of a clogged lymphatic system. Our lymphatic cleanse can help you keep it healthy.
7 Reasons You Should Sweat Every Day
Sweating is unavoidable, especially during the hot days of summer. You may try your best to avoid it, especially since it can be accompanied by an odor that may be unpleasant. However, despite its accompanying annoyances, sweating does more than simply keep you cool.The use of sweating as a potential healing tool has been embraced for years by cultures around...
Spring Reset for Your Home, Body, and Mind
Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing, making it the perfect season for deep cleaning the house and organizing desk drawers. But why stop there?While a clean and organized living space can be beneficial on its own, the same cleansing principals can be applied to your body and mind. And what better time for restoration than after winter when...
How to Choose a Healthy Detox
If you live in the 21st century, you have probably been bombarded with different ideas about cleansing and detoxing. From the Master Cleanse to fasting or juice cleansing, there is no shortage of options to choose from. Before you choose to do a cleanse, it is important to understand the detoxification process in the body so that you know what...
7 Toxins in Personal Products You Should Avoid
The average American is exposed to more than 100 chemicals from the cosmetics and other personal care products they use each morning, according to Harvard’s School of Public Health. Unfortunately, labels such as “natural,” “botanical” or “made with organic ingredients” don’t necessarily mean the products are safe because these terms have no legal definition. Furthermore, in the United States, the...
6 Ways to Maintain Your Post-Cleanse Euphoria
The feeling during and soon after completing a cleanse can be quite euphoric. Abundance of energy, better digestion, clearer skin, and restful sleep are just a few of the many benefits experienced. Though, if you’re not on a regimented routine of healthy eating, this euphoria may dwindle when you return to your daily life. We all want to feel this...
Environmental Detox: Cleaning Product Safety
You may have a clean home with shiny countertops and fragrant air—but, if you use standard cleaning products, at what cost? The chemicals you find in average household cleaning products are nothing to smirk at. In 2014, poison control centers in the United States served 2.2 million people who were exposed to dangerous chemicals—and household cleaners tied as the second...
5 Environmental Toxins and How to Reduce Your Exposure
Toxins exist everywhere—from air to food to furniture. While it’s impossible to eliminate all exposure to toxins, you can increase your awareness of what you’re potentially being exposed to, and how you can limit your exposure. The following five toxins are commonly found in homes and communities. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of toxins, nor a comprehensive...
How to Make Cleansing and Detoxing Part of Your Life
The value of pure food, water, and air has become increasingly evident in today’s society. With this newfound attitude, we have become more conscious than ever about toxins. The human body is almost miraculously efficient at removing chemical and bacterial toxins from the bloodstream. The kidneys and the immune system, which do this invaluable work, don't exist in isolation, however....
How to Detox From Sugar in 10 Days
Sugar is the root cause of obesity and many chronic illnesses. Learn how to cleanse your body from sugar in just 10 days with the experts from Chopra.
10 Ways to Detox Your Every Day
With all the hype about detoxes and cleanses circulating today, it can be overwhelming to know how to actually detox the right way.Ayurveda considers this build-up of toxins to be the underlying cause of all disease. So how do you minimize the toxins that come into your life, and maximize the toxins that go out?Toxins enter our worlds by what...
Pitta Balancing Beverages to Help You Feel Cool and Refreshed
Try these simple and delicious pitta balancing beverages to keep your cool all summer long.
Foods That Nourish Your Cells Vs. Foods That Drive Cellular Aging
Maintaining the health of your body on a cellular level takes an orchestration of several lifestyle factors – with diet being one of the most impactful. Why? Because every morsel of food you put into your body becomes a part of the framework of your biology.This means that the nutrients you eat eventually become the materials that make up your...
9 Ways to Detox at Home
You may have been led to believe that in order to detox your body you need to follow an extreme diet plan—like fasting, removing all fats, or restricting yourself to only fresh-pressed juices for several days in a row. But did you know that it is possible to incorporate smaller and more realistic detox practices into your daily routine at...
3 Smoothie Recipes to Spark Energy
Over the past few years, smoothies have evolved to become a popular way to consume highly beneficial nutrients through the blending of real food ingredients. The ease of creating a nutrient-packed beverage that can be taken on-the-go is quite appealing, especially in a fast-paced world. This trend has influenced the creation of some pretty unique smoothie recipes, making some people...
6 Holistic Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings
How many times have you told yourself that you are not going to eat any more sugar and then found yourself digging into the next cupcake or candy bar in sight? If you experience cravings for sugar (like many people) you might feel like you have no “willpower” when it comes to sweets, and may even feel like you're addicted...
Just Beet It: The Pros and Cons of Juicing
The elaborate juice alchemies available in craft juice shops and on grocery store shelves today make some big promises, from detoxification to jumpstarting the immune system to making your skin glow. But does drinking activated charcoal kale lemonade really live up to the hype?Most health care practitioners will tell you it’s more important to chew your vegetables and fruits rather...
The Difference Between Fasting, Juicing, and Detoxing
Learn what detoxing, fasting, and juicing are and how they differ. Find out more about the benefits and drawbacks of the latest health trends.
Crazy, Sexy, Raw Desserts: Sweet and Spicy Recipes
Sugar, a.k.a. the legal drug, is another common inflammatory disco that can make us fat, sick, and unhappy (yup, it messes with your brain). You’ve read the articles and you know how you feel when you dope up on too much of the stuff. Isn’t it one of life’s cruel ironies that something so addictive is also the thing we’re...
3 Crazy, Sexy, Raw Recipes for Dinnertime
In addition to choosing whole foods, I love encouraging people to up their intake of raw foods. Many raw dishes are wonderful alkaline boosters.That doesn't mean you need to eat them exclusively. It just means that we could benefit from including more of them in our daily diet. Why? There are several reasons. Raw foods contain more water-soluble vitamins and...
Nutritious, Delicious, and Totally Raw Salad Recipes
Nature’s best calcium sources are dark, leafy greens such as kale, collards, mustard greens, and turnip greens. The calcium in these foods is absorbed at double the rate of dairy calcium. About 30 percent of dairy calcium is absorbed whereas about 60 percent of calcium from dark leafy greens is absorbed (not including spinach and a few other greens which...
3 Raw Morning Smoothies and Juices
*Green juice = the instant medicine (that takes little energy to digest) *Green smoothie = fiber-licious broom (that cleans out your system)I can't say enough about alkaline liquid love, especially when you keep the fruit content to a minimum. In fact, drinking your produce will literally change your life. Green juices and smoothies are the most important part of my...
How to Spring Clean and Revamp Your Fridge and Pantry for Optimal Health
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closets. This is your chance to get rid of excess baggage in your kitchen, too. With a fridge and pantry full of nutritious, whole foods you’ll be able to make healthier meal choices and create the foundation for optimal health. Bonus: You’ll feel lighter, too.The first step to cleaning your fridge and pantry is...
7 Yoga Poses to Connect You to the Fire Element
One way to better attune with the fire elements is to incorporate them with your yoga practices. Here are seven poses that focus on sparking your internal flame.
Detoxifying Yoga Flow to Spring Clean From the Inside Out
Spring is a time to rid your home of accumulated clutter so you can have a fresh and light start to the new season. But spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to physical clutter; your body and mind can benefit from a rejuvenating cleanse as well.This short yoga flow is designed to leave you feeling fresh, energized, and rejuvenated so that...
5 Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body
When you decide to detox your body, you must consider your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste products, and other unwanted material. The primary role of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid substance, which carries white blood cells to fight off infection.In Ayurveda, toxins are...
Release Toxins With Kapalabhati Breath
Discover the cleansing yoga breathing technique known as kapalabhati or skull shining breath.
7 Yoga Poses to Detox Your Body
When you are feeling tired and weighed down, try these 7 yoga poses to detox your body and reboot your mind.
How to Detox Today and Every Day
This shift reflects a very healthy trend toward lifelong well-being. Even minor toxins can accumulate to create damaging effects. Anger, for example, isn’t just psychological. It triggers a range of toxic effects in the body through stress and inflammation. Being unhappy is a state most people find tolerable, but your cells would disagree. The biochemistry of unhappiness is toxic and...
5 Big Mistakes People Make When Setting Their Goals
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Year’s? Depending on your stage of life, you might think of champagne and dancing, or a hot cup of tea by the fire with your journal. Whether or not you stay up late enough to see the ball drop, chances are you will think, however briefly or...