Mindful Movement

Three Ways to Move the Body and Calm the Mind
When we think about health for the physical body, we often think about aerobic movement. It can be easy to forget that slow, mindful movement also provides benefits. Mindful walks outside, with and without shoes, energize and support the physical body and the mind. There are plenty of ways to enjoy this practice, and here are three.Walking MeditationJust as in...
4 Meditation Practices for Joy and Gratitude with GT's KOMBUCHA
Chopra Global has teamed up with GT's SYNERGY raw kombucha, a brand who shares our mission for making health & happiness accessible to all, to bring you four practices for joy and gratitude. Join best-selling author and podcast host, Sahara Rose along with spiritual guide, meditation teacher, and author Sah D'Simone for this Meditation and Self-Care Video Series to support...
3 Prácticas Meditativas Para Ayudar a Afrontar el Cambio
El cambio puede ser estresante, incluso cuando el cambio es positivo y bienvenido. Ya sea que esté atravesando algunas transiciones importantes de la vida, como casarse o jubilarse, o atravesar un cambio más pequeño, puede beneficiarse practicando técnicas de relajación para contrarrestar el inevitable estrés.Por ejemplo, cuando tenía 15 años, mi madre y yo estábamos en medio de dos de...
Looking at Abundance Through the Lens of Ayurveda
Ayurveda looks at a human being from the lens of abundance. In Ayurveda, perfect health is not simply an absence of disease but rather an abundance of vitality.Swastha Vritti means perfect health. It is the state in which the body, mind, soul, and senses are in a blissful equilibrium.In the era of video meetings and endless hours of screen time,...
8 Ways to Nourish Mind, Body, and Spirit During Seasonal Transitions
As we move from the cold blue winter into the warm and sunny summer, it is the time to transform with nature. The spring equinox marks the start of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere while it is the start of the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere. Spring: The Kapha Season Spring is a time of transformation. Elements...
5 Simple Ways to Add Play to Your Day and Spark Creativity
Blank computer screen in front of me, a canvas waiting for the whoosh of ideas in my brain to come together and flow into my fingers, forming words that I tap-tap-tap on the keyboard. Something from nothing. Project complete.As a writer this is my creative process. On my best days, the ideas are many, and come freely. I type away,...
Four Tips for a Healthy Start to Your Day
For many of us, it’s easy for each day to fly by in a blur of work and family responsibilities.A morning routine can be incredibly beneficial in helping us to find a little peace, promote our health and well-being, and establish a good foundation for the rest of the day.Over time, my family and I have established daily practices and...
How to Use Mindfulness to Prevent Burnout at Work
For most professionals, the feeling of burnout is a familiar one. The energy that once filled your workday slowly trickles away. You notice your efficiency slip but cannot find the inspiration to regain it. The fatigue settles into your body. You can feel it in your back, your temples. Even if you entered your profession with lofty inspirations and a...
Daily Habits and Practices for Mental Health
Discover how to create a daily toolkit to manage stress, cultivate inner peace, and build lasting resilience.
How Shorter Workouts Can Bring Balance to Your Exercise Routine
Shorter workouts have taken over the at-home exercise space with everything from online yoga to Pilates to cardio classes being pared down to shorter increments. For many, this switch-up has been welcomed with open arms, making it even easier to get a workout into a jam-packed day. But, time isn’t the only reason why this workout trend has grown in...
6 Principles of Rejuvenating Rest
Quality sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. Chronic sleep insufficiency increases risk factors for nearly every major disease. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control nearly one-third of Americans are habitually sleep-deprived. Prioritizing sufficient, quality rest may be the single biggest step that you can take to stave off disease and promote wellbeing. The following...
Create a Healthier, More Vibrant Body Beginning Today
Your body is designed to be an energized, vibrant, self-healing vehicle well into your centenarian years. Yet, in our modern lifestyles, the repair mechanisms which promote longevity and health can easily become compromised. The following practices will reinvigorate your body and slow the aging process by increasing mitochondrial density, lengthening telomeres, and inducing cellular repair processes.Reduce or Eliminate SugarModerate to...
7 Steps to Superhuman Energy
Every aspect of your life, from work and finances to relationships and hobbies, is dependent upon your energy. Abundant energy provides the necessary fuel to support important areas of focus while diminished energy leads to unfulfilled potential. The practices that follow are proven methods of increasing energy. When implemented regularly, these routines not only enhance energy, they slow cellular aging,...
Grow A Better Brain: Enhancing Brain Function After Age 50
It is a common cultural perception that decreased cognitive abilities come in tandem with increased age. Yet, neuroscience tells a different story. Brain research in the field of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new stimuli, demonstrates that memory, learning, productivity, and intelligence are adjustable factors rather than fixed points.The following practices capitalize on the...
How to Find Space to Stay Grounded During the Present Time
Finding space to ground and remaining grounded gives you permission to breathe, as well as make conscious choices during these difficult times.
Moving Beyond the Gender Binary to Reconnect with Self
The world is still incredibly rooted in the gender binary, and it’s a revolutionary act to exist as yourself, wholly, in a world that so desperately tries to define you. Whether you identify with the sex you were assigned at birth or not, or whether you identify within the binary, outside of it, or have renounced its existence completely, you...
Inner Treasures: Positive Perspectives & Practices to Incorporate Into Your Life
In honor of Suicide Prevention Week, I wanted to offer a collection of questions, statements, and inspirational bits of wisdom gleaned from my years of practice as a holistic and spiritually oriented psychiatrist. Review this list and make a mental note of the words and phrases that resonate the most. Repeat these to yourself when you need to reorient to...
5 Resolutions to Improve Your Mental State
It’s a new year, and you’ve probably already been bombarded with information about how to envision your ideal decade, create goals, stick to resolutions, lose weight, be happier, and <insert self-improvement trend of the day>.It gets overwhelming, right?This overload of information can paralyze you instead of motivating you. Where on earth do you begin?One starting point is taught by inspirational...
7 Ways to Reboot Your Brain
Rebooting your brain can help remove patterns, habits & biases that limit you. Learn how to reboot your brain and fix these issues from Chopra.
A Yoga Practice to Boost Your Energy
Try this yoga practice next time you’re in need of a little boost.
A Yoga Practice for Joy
Practice this sequence when you need to boost your mood and lift your spirits.
7 Prácticas Fáciles Para Refrescarte y Reiniciarte en el Trabajo
De todos los entornos que exploramos semanalmente, quizás nos presentemos en nuestros espacios de trabajo con mayor frecuencia. Esa podría ser una oficina en el hogar, ya que el cambio a espacios de trabajo virtuales ha sido abundante en los últimos años, o podría estar volviendo a una oficina o un entorno en persona. Cualquiera que sea el aspecto de...
A Practice for Increased Focus
Try this meditation, breath and yoga sequence for optimal concentration all day long.
7 Quick Practices to Refresh and Reset at Work
Out of all the environments we explore on a weekly basis, we show up to our workspaces perhaps most frequently. That might be a home office as the shift to virtual workspaces has been abundant in the past few years, or you might be transitioning back to an office or in-person setting. Whatever your workspace looks like, often when you...
Evening Yin Yoga for Sleep
Try this restorative yin sequence to prepare for a deep night of rest.
Kapha Balancing Sequence for Optimal Digestion
Practice this yoga sequence to stimulate digestion as we transition into springtime.
How to Cultivate Deeper Connection through the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga
Yoga is the practice of merging all the disparate aspects of our being into one, unified essence. In fact, the word yoga in Sanskrit means union. When we experience yoga we experience our true nature, which is unbounded and unchanging. We can understand the true nature of our being through the Seven Spiritual Laws, as disseminated by Deepak Chopra.The Law...
My Wellness Journey by Devi Brown, Chopra Global's Chief Impact Officer
From entertainment journalism to primordial sound meditation, Devi Brown’s journey to the wellness community has been one of exploration, learning, and embracing.